Courage, Conditioning, Consistency, Coffee, and Community

These are definitely some of the most used words in my classes this year (aside from my sound effects, of course ?).

Courage means showing grace to my new students who’ve embarked on their yoga journey—it really takes courage. I see it in those of you with packed schedules, both at work and at home, yet you never miss a class. New students, it takes courage to walk into a new space, meet a new teacher, join a group of people you’ve never met before, and try something new. Courage is also in coming back to yoga after a break. It’s never too late to restart.

Courage is needed when learning, adapting to new environments, and opening ourselves to new chapters in life. I see it in students who have full lives and still make yoga a priority. I’m in awe of you.

Call me old school, but the body needs Conditioning—it needs to be worked, pushed, and challenged. As we get older, we have to work harder and smarter. Trying to tackle yoga poses or gym workouts you’ve seen on TikTok or Instagram without proper knowledge or guidance can lead to injury. It’s just not worth it. Think of starting yoga or running: you don’t jump straight into long distances or complex poses. You start slow, build up gradually, and increase intensity as your body gets stronger. If you’re stuck, ask a professional—it’s always worth the investment.

It’s Summer, and motivation is high, but remember: Conditioning is a year-round endeavour. It builds confidence, discipline, focus, energy, and inner drive. I believe we should aim higher than the average recommendations life offers.

Consistent practice is key. I’ve been teaching for 32 years—an observation that has provided me with a wealth of experience. Week after week, I watch your progress, and it’s nothing short of incredible. This year, with a full year of Yoga Courses, your consistency has skyrocketed. Attendance is at an all-time high—whoo-hoo!

Consistent yoga practice is linked to improved motivation and resilience. Life will have its ebbs and flows, and constant change is inevitable. But consistency will get you closer to your health, spiritual, and life goals.

And then, there’s Coffee… oh, my love of coffee could probably have its own blog ?. My budget has certainly had to stretch a little further for the two coffees I enjoy out daily (not counting my beloved Moccona at home ?). The smell, the ritual, and of course, the drinking of it—nothing keeps my happiness on a high vibration quite like coffee. I’m sure many of you are nodding in agreement.

Finally, Community. The Yoga community is truly magical. You are my friends, and the laughter and camaraderie we share is unmatched. I am so grateful for your kind donations to one of the charities we support—Pantry 4 the People. I love being able to help those in need, and it’s even more special because we’re doing it together. Our yoga community is the BEST!

We are a diverse, generous, friendly, supportive, and super chatty bunch. This Yoga Community rocks!

With gratitude,