We have come to the the halfway point to 2022, yogis. Truly unbelievable. We’ve been reflecting each week with the yogi gang (“ohhh today is the second week of February can you believe it? mmmmm hello, it’s the last Friday of April, wooooow last weekend of May” etc etc) The year is flying!!!!
And as time passes, I’m also getting closer to the border of 50, which scaressssssssss me so much!!!
But what I wanted to capture here is this elusive state. The whispers and talk of:
Does it exist?
Are we experiencing enough of it?
When were you the happiest?
Are you happy this moment?
What can make us feel happy?
Happy is a smile, a laughter out of the blue. Happiness is shenanigans in my classes. Happiness is a state of joy and sense of lightness.
Happy is my current state.
I am not immune to stress, despite the fact that I have a massive advantage that I teach and make a living from yoga. I cherish my work and way of life beyond words. Overall I’m a happy person, and I believe my overall constitution does come down to happiness. I’m happy.
According to Mumma Regina, I was a happy baby, a child that never cried. I just smiled a lot. I still do.
I’m happy. Happy with myself and how I conduct my life in this world, in my community, my relationships, my home, my work.
Happy to have met a wonderful man – we’re coming up to 15 months of crazy happiness, love, support and understanding. I have only experienced this now in my late 40s, for which I am so grateful and ……happy.
When I observe my classes, I feel happiness.
Yogis who may have never met, will smile, express themselves and reflect in a class.
The sense of community and to be understood, makes us happy.
We all have experienced more stress and uncertainty in the last two years – more than we can have ever imagined. There has been immense sadness and loss.Changes that have been abrupt, and in some ways, changes that we are all still adjusting to.
I still talk and meet people that have just started coming back to yoga group classes after nearly two years.
Although it is lovely to reflect on our past (maybe our happy days at school, or the fun times of our youth etc), I’m a huge fan lately of staying present and enjoying this moment.
To be present and full of joy about today!!!
Make a list of what you can add to your life, and give out, to bring happiness in your heart.
If a list is overwhelming, start small. What can make you happy today?
On Monday, it was as simple as going to Honey and Walnut Patisserie (it’s in Dulwich Hill) and having a coffee and reading a few pages of my book. That was happiness for me.
I told you – small things can lift our mood and makes us happy.
Commit to your own happiness and joy of life that is so precious and you will radiate.
Courage, Conditioning, Consistency, Coffee, and Community
/in Uncategorized /by VeronicaThese are definitely some of the most used words in my classes this year (aside from my sound effects, of course ?).
Courage means showing grace to my new students who’ve embarked on their yoga journey—it really takes courage. I see it in those of you with packed schedules, both at work and at home, yet you never miss a class. New students, it takes courage to walk into a new space, meet a new teacher, join a group of people you’ve never met before, and try something new. Courage is also in coming back to yoga after a break. It’s never too late to restart.
Courage is needed when learning, adapting to new environments, and opening ourselves to new chapters in life. I see it in students who have full lives and still make yoga a priority. I’m in awe of you.
Call me old school, but the body needs Conditioning—it needs to be worked, pushed, and challenged. As we get older, we have to work harder and smarter. Trying to tackle yoga poses or gym workouts you’ve seen on TikTok or Instagram without proper knowledge or guidance can lead to injury. It’s just not worth it. Think of starting yoga or running: you don’t jump straight into long distances or complex poses. You start slow, build up gradually, and increase intensity as your body gets stronger. If you’re stuck, ask a professional—it’s always worth the investment.
It’s Summer, and motivation is high, but remember: Conditioning is a year-round endeavour. It builds confidence, discipline, focus, energy, and inner drive. I believe we should aim higher than the average recommendations life offers.
Consistent practice is key. I’ve been teaching for 32 years—an observation that has provided me with a wealth of experience. Week after week, I watch your progress, and it’s nothing short of incredible. This year, with a full year of Yoga Courses, your consistency has skyrocketed. Attendance is at an all-time high—whoo-hoo!
Consistent yoga practice is linked to improved motivation and resilience. Life will have its ebbs and flows, and constant change is inevitable. But consistency will get you closer to your health, spiritual, and life goals.
And then, there’s Coffee… oh, my love of coffee could probably have its own blog ?. My budget has certainly had to stretch a little further for the two coffees I enjoy out daily (not counting my beloved Moccona at home ?). The smell, the ritual, and of course, the drinking of it—nothing keeps my happiness on a high vibration quite like coffee. I’m sure many of you are nodding in agreement.
Finally, Community. The Yoga community is truly magical. You are my friends, and the laughter and camaraderie we share is unmatched. I am so grateful for your kind donations to one of the charities we support—Pantry 4 the People. I love being able to help those in need, and it’s even more special because we’re doing it together. Our yoga community is the BEST!
We are a diverse, generous, friendly, supportive, and super chatty bunch. This Yoga Community rocks!
With gratitude,
Eleni’s Yoga featured in “MENTORED”
/in Uncategorized /by VeronicaBOA’s Business Spotlight
Q: What is your name/title?
Eleni Leonstini & founder of Eleni‘s Yoga and Movement Studio
Q: What does your business do in a nutshell?
ProudI teach yoga, meditation and Mindfulness ability.
Q: When/where was your business founded?
2005, Sydney.
Q: What inspired you to start your business?
It was all so quick !!! Yoga changed my life and perspective in so many ways.i never drive past Bexley road , the day I did with my mum there was a shop for Lease. I enquired and within a week I rented it, I had never had a lease, I walked down the road knocked at a Lawyers office. He prepared my first Commercial lease ( for free!!!).
Q: What motivates you about your business?
I just love yoga and when my students look and feel at peace. Happy when they give me feedback on a shift that has happened for them.
Q: What’s some advice you would give to your younger self about entrepreneurship?
To save more!!! To not let customers walk all over me. To not accept bad behaviour and manners.
Q: Piece of advice you’d like to share?
I am a survivor!!! I’m adaptable and growing to more areas. Be flexible. I have gone from a small yoga studio space that no one thought would survive, it did for 10 years then I moved to a bigger space. Then COVID hit and my third studio space is behind my garden, this time I thought ohhh it may not be professional enough, how will I survive !!! It’s thriving. Having your own business is 7 days a week, I would not want to do anything else.
Q: Where can people find your business?
You can find us at our website, Instagram, or our Facebook.
What I’m Learning from the Younger Generation
/in Uncategorized /by Eleni LeontsiniOr, how are they influencing me? That’s maybe the best description. I feel I embrace change wholeheartedly. Look at this year—I’ve gone blond! But we are a world apart from the younger generation. I’m 50 years old and edging toward… My connection to different age groups is definitely what I love and embrace, both in my personal life and work. I love people, so age really does not change things. What I have noticed more than ever is the younger generation and the boldness and strength that they possess.
A few of my observations…
1. Buckets of Self-Belief
The younger generation is all about making it happen. They are not waiting for experience and years to build up or waiting for invitations to make bold strides at work or in their personal lives. They just go for it. They have heart, courage, and a strong inner compass to direct themselves where they want to be, where they dream to be. The inner voice is a resounding “Yes!” It’s not a “no” or a “maybe” or “let’s wait and see.” Getting it done, they are ready.
2. Non-Apologetic
They have a voice and will. They are not worried about upsetting anyone, and not intentionally. I still freak out about approaching some subjects with my Mum—haha, it’s true! The younger generation? No way! They will wear what they want and how they want to. Self-expression is non-apologetic. Hey, society, if you don’t like what I wear? Bad luck. Look away; this is me. It’s just wonderful. I’m in awe of the inner glow and this non-apologetic stance. For me, it feels fierce, and I admire it so much. Back in my day, I stopped myself so many times in case I upset someone or they did not approve. So silly.
3. Adapting, Accepting, and Flexible
For the career and learning chapter of the younger generation, they are the most adaptive. If paths 1, 2, or 3 do not work, there are options 4 to 20! How cool is that? They do not stop in their tracks and admit defeat; they will plow through to a different route, a solution. That takes a lot of confidence. I feel my generation learned new skills in a very systematic way. If you had a great teacher or mentor, that was fantastic; otherwise, a bad teacher, difficult manager, or learning institution meant doom for us. The disappointment and loss were huge, a loss of confidence, feeling lost and disheartened.
Powerful young crew, I admire you. Keep up the success and happiness.
(But can you please just detach yourselves from your phone for a while?)
Adapting through Changes: Lessons from the Yoga Mat
/in Uncategorized /by Eleni LeontsiniAs colder weather sets in, the days become shorter, and the seasons change, so does our yoga practice. We require more time to limber up, standing yoga postures may take up a larger portion of our class, and we may need to break out the blankets for added warmth and comfort during savasana. It’s getting cold.
The more flexible we are in adapting to changes, the stronger and more resilient we become. These are undoubtedly lessons that we’ve carried through from COVID lockdown. We often reflect upon the COVID years as lost time in our lives, and we’re now mindful of not wasting any more time. We’re attending events, getting out in nature, meeting friends, teaching more group classes, running workshops, and just being around people.
Yogis have an incredible self-awareness that is grounding and robust. Unfortunately, I’ve come across numerous people who stop doing what they love when their lives’ circumstances change, and one of those things can be yoga.
I often hear reasons such as:
• “I’ve had neck issues from work, and I cannot do headstand and deep backbends, so I stopped going to my classes.”
• “I’ve put on weight or I’m not currently fit, so I cannot do yoga.”
• “I love dynamic practices, but my body cannot do it, so I stopped going to my classes.”
• “I’ve had a break from yoga, but now I’m scared and do not feel ready to go back.”
• “Unexpected health issues have arisen, so I stopped practicing.”
• “Relationships that are dismantled or new ones arise, and feeling too tired to get back to classes.”
The list goes on! Life issues, body issues, and financial conditions can undoubtedly have a real impact.
But I say, let’s adapt. Do not stop doing what you love. Do not lose confidence if there are postures you cannot do. Do not be hesitant to discuss any changes. I’m very intuitive to student needs, but your disclosure is so important. All new yogis who have started with me this year have been on a wonderful journey as we discuss their needs, so I can be mindful of them.
(By the way, about those headstands. I rarely do them! They do not make me feel good. I had a huge car accident about 15 years ago, and my car hit an electricity pole after flying through the air, so my neck feels sensitive, and I guard it.)
Strength, flexibility, and fitness levels are always changing – but we adapt. During my Monday morning class last week, I was teaching Malasana – a deep squat pose with a seated variation for yogis to choose from. One of my students said, “Wow, I couldn’t do this pose at all two months ago, but I can do it today.” Janae had a great smile and was happily surprised. The yogi behind her, Caroline, commented, “I can’t do Malasana anymore; it does not feel good, so I don’t do it.”
Boom, and I’m literally the happiest yoga teacher! Yoga is about doing what feels right and adapting confidently along the way. There’s no pressure, there’s enough of that in life, who needs that when doing a yoga class?
We go with the flow, we enjoy, we stay safe, and we’re not scared to adapt. In that way, yoga is your best card in the deck for mind and body health and wellbeing. It’s something you can maintain forever if we’re not afraid of changes and are mindful of adaptation.
Summer of love
/in Uncategorized /by Eleni LeontsiniIn February we started to really sit and enjoy the positive and uplifting vibes of 2023.
It’s month of love and (finally) a beautiful season of Summer.
It has being the loveliest experience to meet and teach so many new yogis, as well as having past students coming back to rejoin our studio.
Yoga courses have thrived and have been a great success. I will continue to introduce more courses and new time slots – it’s fantastic to watch you all improve so much.
We have a lot more yogis then ever before, with many currently attending up to three classes a week! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh.
What I’m also loving and want to express to everyone who reads this is the incredible yoga community that we have at EYAMS. I love watching everyone chatting to each other and making new friends. You are all sharing such a beautiful journey and the yoga community is very precious.
Since this is a Summer newsletter, I want to also mention the yogis who said they would never wear shorts – yes, they are coming to class with shorts. Woooohooo, it must be my super pep talk! Let’s keep feeling comfortable and confident in our bodies. We all have our low moments at times about how we look, but what life has taught us so far is to enjoy the present and enjoy our bodies.
Thank you all for your ongoing support, and recommending me to your friends and family for yoga, Homeopathy and my yoga activewear clothing range.
Keep yoging everyone (things that will never change – definitely me killing the English language, or calling you by a new name haha)
Healing and rebalancing
/in Uncategorized /by Eleni LeontsiniSpring has been so strong and powerful. Longer days, a bit more sunshine, we are all smiling that little bit more.
Personally, my stress levels have hit the roof. It all started with my poor mum falling and fracturing her skull. She was in so much pain, and the worst part was that she could not fly to Greece due to the extent of her injury.
I am a resilient soul and dare I say so positive, but so many things have happened that I have had the worst acid reflux I have ever experienced in my life. Literally as I’m writing this (yes, I’m really old school, I write before I type ?) – it’s day 5 and my reflux is finally starting to subside.
Initially my chest hurt so much I was wondering ‘what the hell is going on?’ Then anything I ate gave me so much pain. I was concerned, but as a homeopath I just had to observe. Why was this happening?
I began to piece things together, and also our wonderful chats in classes helped. By sharing my story and describing how I was feeling, I realised it all came down to anxiety. It built up, and yes I do all the work: yoga, meditation, sleep, positive and loving relationships, good food, nutritious and healthy living habits etc. But life stresses in succession can make the body respond in ill health. That is what happened to me.
So I am not immune to life stresses but I am very lucky that I can help myself with so many tools that I have acquired with my life’s work in yoga and homeopathy.
Healing and getting rebalanced also comes down to community. For me, this is what I observe with all the classes that I teach and clients. Talking, sharing and listening is so therapeutic. It is a magical gift. That is part of the healing: a nurturing yoga community.
I feel so grateful for the wonderful students that rock up to the studio. Nicest souls and biggest hearts.
And now we are heading towards the end of 2022, with more experiences, laughter, resilience and inner strength to come
Winter is almost over
/in Uncategorized /by VeronicaDays are looking brighter, and come late afternoon we all have started to notice it’s getting dark later. How much do we all miss sunny, warm days??!!!! I have never worn so much clothing in my life.
Winter 2022 has been a two-way experience for the yoga community with yogis either attending two yoga classes every week, with nothing stopping you – or many of you fled into total winter hibernation!
For the first time in 17 years, I taught classes with the heater powering on throughout our sessions. I cannot recall such a season of cold, rain and winds. You guys still came.
Let’s not forget the crazy renovations of July. All the furniture, cement and dust that was disposed in the yoga garden until Council clean up date was finally booked. Big shout out to Canterbury council. They picked up everything, such great service.
Such a huge change in our way of living compared to this time last year. Although we are all technically trying to wipe it off our memories. I still cannot believe what our lives looked like during lockdown in 2021. Living within the boundaries of a 5km radius. Do we remember that? Shit, I do!!! Living and working in the Canterbury area, my studio was my sanctuary every evening and the nature reserve at the back of Bardwell Park train station was my working area, teaching one to one amazing yogis in the daytime. The worst was having to wear face masks outdoors while teaching.
We were all so resilient and amazing as we sustained friendships, work, hobbies and studies in uncertain times. Scary times. 2020 and 2021, you sure tested everyone and everywhere in this world.
But – good times are here!!!! Celebrations that are worth smiling for – because my studio has reached the ripe, mature age of 17 years old.
On 23rd August, I celebrate 17 years of this awesome yoga and holistic business that I created – celebrating 3 studio spaces, 2 lockdowns, and surviving on the other side.
I have put together two special birthday package for yogis, with an offer on pre-purchased class packs:
6 classes for $138 – that’s $23 per class instead of $25 – save $12
10 classes for $220 – that $22 per class instead of $25 – save $30
Classes must be used by end of October 2022. Strictly no extensions will be made.
Cannot be transferred to another yogi. The discount does not apply to the new Saturday Body and Mind Spring Detox Course.
Thank you for all of your support, amazing Yogis.
/in Uncategorized /by VeronicaWe have come to the the halfway point to 2022, yogis. Truly unbelievable. We’ve been reflecting each week with the yogi gang (“ohhh today is the second week of February can you believe it? mmmmm hello, it’s the last Friday of April, wooooow last weekend of May” etc etc) The year is flying!!!!
And as time passes, I’m also getting closer to the border of 50, which scaressssssssss me so much!!!
But what I wanted to capture here is this elusive state. The whispers and talk of:
Does it exist?
Are we experiencing enough of it?
When were you the happiest?
Are you happy this moment?
What can make us feel happy?
Happy is a smile, a laughter out of the blue. Happiness is shenanigans in my classes. Happiness is a state of joy and sense of lightness.
Happy is my current state.
I am not immune to stress, despite the fact that I have a massive advantage that I teach and make a living from yoga. I cherish my work and way of life beyond words. Overall I’m a happy person, and I believe my overall constitution does come down to happiness. I’m happy.
According to Mumma Regina, I was a happy baby, a child that never cried. I just smiled a lot. I still do.
I’m happy. Happy with myself and how I conduct my life in this world, in my community, my relationships, my home, my work.
Happy to have met a wonderful man – we’re coming up to 15 months of crazy happiness, love, support and understanding. I have only experienced this now in my late 40s, for which I am so grateful and ……happy.
When I observe my classes, I feel happiness.
Yogis who may have never met, will smile, express themselves and reflect in a class.
The sense of community and to be understood, makes us happy.
We all have experienced more stress and uncertainty in the last two years – more than we can have ever imagined. There has been immense sadness and loss.Changes that have been abrupt, and in some ways, changes that we are all still adjusting to.
I still talk and meet people that have just started coming back to yoga group classes after nearly two years.
Although it is lovely to reflect on our past (maybe our happy days at school, or the fun times of our youth etc), I’m a huge fan lately of staying present and enjoying this moment.
To be present and full of joy about today!!!
Make a list of what you can add to your life, and give out, to bring happiness in your heart.
If a list is overwhelming, start small. What can make you happy today?
On Monday, it was as simple as going to Honey and Walnut Patisserie (it’s in Dulwich Hill) and having a coffee and reading a few pages of my book. That was happiness for me.
I told you – small things can lift our mood and makes us happy.
Commit to your own happiness and joy of life that is so precious and you will radiate.
Eleni’s Yoga and Movement Studio, now also at Activ Therapy Clemton Park
/in Uncategorized /by VeronicaEleni’s Yoga and Movement Studio, now also at Activ Therapy Clemton Park, situated in Clemton Park Village.
Introducing my new Winter Yoga and Movement Health Series: 22nd June to 11th August at Activ Therapy Clemton Park @activtherapyclemtonpark.
Eleni will be conducting two weekly classes:
These classes will create overall body strength, awareness and suppleness, while making you feel relaxed, calm and grounded – positive benefits for both your body and your mind.
Cost per class is $25.
Special offer: pre-pay and book four classes with Eleni at @ Activ Therapy for $100 and get a 5th class free! That’s just $20 per class. Note, free class applies only to the Activ Therapy timetable. This offer can be shared with a friend/family member.
Bookings are essential. Please contact Eleni on 0412 772 397 or eleni_yoga@yahoo.com.au
Find out more at: https://www.activtherapy.com.au/clemton-park-yoga.html
Creating new patterns
/in Uncategorized /by Veronica