It started with Madonna

Yoga was not an initial love experience for myself. I don’t believe I was too great at it. I tried so hard and I’m sure I pulled a few muscles along the way!
It eventually became my Saturday morning ritual for a solid two year frame at Yoga Synergy. I was 25 years old.
Who influenced me??? (This is prior to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram)
She was a fit creature that I identified with. At that period of my life I was teaching a gazillion aerobic and step classes as well as running corporate classes at State Parliament on Macquarie Street.
To me, Madonna was talent, beauty, assertiveness, and her image was always shifting. You could never be bored. She was a Yoga Goddess of Flexibility. She looked so serene in so many exquisite postures. An exotic creation.
Once I jumped off the Madonna starting block, I increased my practise, finding yoga nurtured my soul in a whirlwind of major life transitions and challenges: getting divorced, selling my home, moving house, and losing a business that I had established with Mum over 14 years (long story, the airport authorities wanted the space and 14 days notice was given). My anorexia started creeping back and so did my exercise obsessiveness.
Yoga was there.
I became passionate about the practise as well as the philosophy. It spoke to me. It changed my life. It steered me to starting an apprentiship with my late dear teacher Acharya Upendra Roy, and I continued my Yoga Teacher training with him. I have met such amazing teachers along the way, it’s a total discovery of adventure.
Hopefully if you are reading this, you are giving yourself a high five for scheduling your next yoga session. Or to start, or to reengage with your yoga ritual if you have had a brief hiatus.
The best advice i can give you is don’t wait. Don’t wait for the following to happen:
  1. To lose weight before you start yoga
  2. To have more time.
  3. For kids to go to school. Or get older …..
Yoga is for everyone. Now.
You do not need to be fit to do yoga
You do not need to be an ex-athlete or personal trainer
You do not have to be rich.
You do not have to be beautiful.
You do not need expensive workout gear and accessories.
You could be of any ethnic background or religion.
I may be the teacher for you or I may not.
Searching, practising, experience with an open heart, honesty and passion.
See you on your mat somewhere, sometime.