Health, yoga and fitness advice and my self-exploring and enquiring: Part #2

Summer is finally here. A season of pulsating energy and vibration. There’s movement as we all try to spend as much time outdoors. Following Part #1, this is a continuation of health advice that I adhere to myself and hopefully you, awesome reader, can gain some inspiration.
It’s not too make you feel overwhelmed or that you are not enough.
1 Hydration
Consistency of water throughout the day is imperative, for adults as well as kids. If water gets boring (and many of my yogis roll their eyes when I remind them to drink after a class), you could add some of the following: Fresh mint, slivers of lemon, grapefruit, coconut water and pormegranate juice.
I love coconut water but the quality of what is sold is a mixed bag. Check that there’s no added sugar, preservatives or stabilisers. Another option which I love is to use all the herbal teas that have been stashed aside in winter. They can be made to a great iced tea and if I need some sweetness I simply add some agave syrup or honey.
It’s also a great time of the year to invest in renewable water bottles. Plastic sucks on all levels. It’s destructive for your body, the environment and your budget.
2 Swimming
Swimming is MAGIC in Summer. If you swim laps and love rockpools, be mindful of keeping trend with the tides. You do not want to swim with hundreds of people in old ocean water – yuck!!!! Swimming is amazing for yogis who want to support their mediation practise. It’s such a mindful movement of gliding through the water and correct breathing will have you swimming for longer then 30 minutes.
I have made a deal with myself over the years that if I want to keep high energy levels, my prescription is exercising (such as running) then swimming a minimum of twice a week.
If you are an adult who is not confident in the swimming department, please, please get some swimming lessons. You will LOVE it!!! Do not leave it for another year to go by. Ocean water is also very cleansing for our aura and a great mood stabiliser.
3 Salads
For the yogis who claim that  they can’t cook, salads in Summer are your best friends. Pimp them with yummy produce, your own home-grown herbs or do some bartering with a home gardener. Nuts, seeds, flavoursome vinegars, tamari, olives, olive oil and the best salt and pepper will have you glowing inside and out.
4 Outdoors
Moving your yoga and meditation practice outdoors is easier in Summer than in winter and much more accessible!!! Come and participate in some of the outdoor classes that I teach and present. Mother Nature provides such beauty and allows us to appreciate and stop the busy-ness that can sometimes engulf our lives. Practising yoga in the outdoor elements is divine. Head to a park or just before you get your midday coffee and sit on a park bench and breathe. You can do it!! It’s a blessing for our heart space.
May we all have a peaceful Christmas, safe holidays and a magnificent 2016.
Thank you for all of the support it has been such a blast.
Thank you for funding my yoga dream.
I adore Yoga, teaching and my magnificent students.
Love to all of us.
xx Eleni