A little bit about me

There are so many new faces at the studio this year, so I thought it could be a good time to talk a little bit about myself. I already talk about myself in class and sometimes I have to clarify that the story I am telling has nothing to do with your yoga practise! Lol 🙂 Welcome to my random Aquarian energy.
Before I list all my facts and figures I would like to say that, so far,2020 has been a beautiful year with health, abundance, love, clarity and happiness. As with every year, I am super thankful for this yoga-holistic space. I have no idea where and how the last 15 years went, but what I can definitely guarantee is that you, my yogis, are part of a supportive community where all of us want to thrive, and to uplift our spirits. Laughter, understanding, acceptance, and community is what you will get at this studio.
Now to the part where it’s more about me and less about your yoga practise:
** I love Greek cheese
Yes, you all keep talking about French cheeses, blue, vegan cheese…. hmmm no!!!
Alright, I do love tasty, ricotta, provolone cheese…..so ok, all cheeses rock (except the mouldy ones).
** I used to teach aerobics
So in Yoga Fitness or the Abs-butts-thighs-triceps class, I still try to bring hamstring curls, grapevines and easy walks back into fashion. I was there through the whole ‘g-string leotard over the tights’ and ‘skin coloured tights phenomenon’ so enough said, haha.
** Running rocks!!!
I have a beautiful GP who, over the last 20 years, has seen me go from a total exercise/food obsessed woman (who had no periods for a zillion years) to the healthy, balanced woman that I feel I am now. He would always admire my fitness and then he would tell me how he wanted to get more fit himself. Guess what? He’s currently training for a marathon. Yes, a marathon. His training route was the one I trained on endlessly when I decided to run a marathon. I know it by heart. I still do it. But let’s be real, 70 minutes is usually my maximum. I’m so, so proud of him, and I love talking strategy with him. He’s had such a turnaround in relation to exercise and fitness. I guess I see that in so many people whom I come across daily. Many communicate to me that Yoga is not for them. I believe timing is everything so I tell them to be open to change and to trying something new (but please do not wait 20 years until you come back to my yoga class or want to start a practise!)
** I feel I have lived a few lifetimes on this earth.
From the age of 5, I have always felt more connected with older people. These days, I’m a middle aged yogi 🙂
** I only started participating in gardening the last three years.
Boy is it hard work but so, so fulfilling.!!!!
**  I’m a magazine-oholic!!!
When I was 6 or 7 years of age, I would save to buy Manina and Katerina magazines (Greek magazines for young girls), which then became Dolly, Girlfriend and Seventeen. As I got older, I was drawn to fashion publications including French and Italian Vogue. I have collected so many Vogue issues including the UK and American editions and I really don’t think I can ever throw them away. I also love Elle magazine (the Greek publication as well) and of course yoga magazines galore. What has saved the budget – and office space – is joining the local libraries at Earlwood, Marrickville and Campsie. I get my high by borrowing magazines and then returning them in 14 days. Earlwood Library even has the Greek version of InStyle magazine and a pretty amazing cookbook publication called Gastronomos. PS. Please do not mention magazines that are online. It’s not the same as turning a glossy page and it never will be.

**I love crystals.

If I could, I would have 100x times the collection that I currently have. My homeopath, who was also one of my lecturers when I was studying Homeopathy, has written extensively on the Rose Quartz and there is another amazing book called The 12 Jewels by Peter Tumminello.
All crystals have remarkable properties and they can be used as remedies for healing. My current obsession sleeping with three beautiful Quartz crystals sourced from Brazil – I simply have the best sleep.
** I’m obsessed with languages.
I dream of speaking fluent Italian and Spanish, conversing at a beach near you. hahaha – meanwhile, I will stick with Greek.
** I believe in miracles.
Magic has touched me and I have witnessed it many times. Faith strengthens my soul.
I believe that yoga, conscious breath and meditation are tools for rebalancing each individual regardless of age, sex, nationality. We are all as one, but of course some are more talkative then others.